Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Do These Do?

The Vice presidential debates are this Thursday in St. Louis and everyone is getting ready.

Palin's been in boot camp all week.
Biden's been in charm school all week.

And McCain's been in his wife's medicine cabinet all week.

"Gimme a break already. No one needs a week like this."

Bi Partisan Dickering

It's back to the drawing board in Washington over the bail out bill.

Democrats want greater help for home owners.

Republicans want a suspension of the Capital Gains Tax.

And John Boehner wants Barney Frank to stop calling him up in the middle of the night.

"My wife is starting to look at me funny."

Down Is Up and Up Is Down

The Democrats backed Bush. The Republicans rejected Bush.

The posturing and finger pointing in Washington have become one big Danse Macabre.

Things are so crazy, that Rush Limbaugh has given up on his therapist and is going back to his pharmacist.

"When I saw Keith Olbermann and Bill O'Reilly chatting over tea it was the only logical thing to do."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Team Players

The silence of the Clintons during Obama's Presidential campaign has been deafening.

That doesn't mean, however, that they aren't on board.

Barack Obama has agreed to help pay off Hillary's campaign debt, and according to the terms of the agreement the Clintons will be waving 'Vote Obama' signs during rush hour at one of Little Rock's busiest intersections.

And after rush hour is over, they will be back at campaign headquarters putting together yard signs.

Chelsea will just stand behind them and be proud.

On Bended Knee

While everyone was preoccupied with the $700 billion bail out of Wall Street, it looks like the American automobile industry was bailed out to the tune of $25 billion.

No word on what Ford or Chrysler offered in return for the largesse, but word on the street is that GM CEO Rick Wagoner offered everyone in Congress a Hummer.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Put It In A Plain Black Bag

Congress has said that they're willing to work with the White House and Henry Paulson on their request for money.

The only problem they're having

is coming up with 700 billion in unmarked bills.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

There's Gold On That Thar Hill

Along with the many Manhattan Mistresses, future MBA graduates are depressed about the current financial crisis.

Devoid of a future that includes Hamptons real estate brokers and complimentary country club memberships, many are choosing a different career path.

They're going into the one field left where they can get their hands on the Big Bucks.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Do Not Disturb

No one's quite ready to sign the 700 billion dollar blank check Henry Paulson and the White House are requesting.

Even in a closed door meeting, Vice President Dick Cheney couldn't persuade his party members to go along.

"It’s a sad fact, but Americans can no longer trust the economic information they are getting from this administration,” South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint said.

The meeting was not a total loss though.

The once invincible Cheney told reporters,

"I'm going to my undisclosed location, call me in January."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Primordial Mud

The McCain campaign is preparing to ratchet up the rhetoric once again.
They are calling it self defense.

According to Mark Salter, a top McCain aide,

we are tired of "catching the spears" from the Obama campaign.

"We're not taking it in a racial way", replied an Obama staffer.
"That's just John McCain. He probably knows a thing or two about catching spears.
He might not have invented fire, but he probably knows the guy who did."

Trust Me

The speed with which Henry Paulson and the White House are calling for action on the financial crisis have many people worried.

To some it is eerily similar to the hastened run up to the war in Iraq.

The smoking gun for this crisis may be in the shape of a champagne glass.

For Wall Street.

Maybe we should all stock up on duct tape and plastic.

To bury our money in the back yard.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'll Take It From Here

Speaking before a crowd in Columbia Mo. the other day, Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden asked state senator Chuck Graham to

"Stand up and let the people see you."

Senator Graham didn't, as he is confined to a wheelchair.

In Youngstown Ohio, Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sara Palin, referred to her party's ticket as the Palin/McCain ticket.

One of them thinks he's God. The other has God calling McCain home prematurely.

In medical terms, it's what they call The Cheney Complex.

Uno Mas Por Favor

It appears as though the Mexican Government under President Felipe Calderon may be losing the war on drugs.

According to a recent poll by The BBC Mundo
42 % of all Mexicans fell less safe that they did a year ago.

37 % of Mexican families have felt some impact of the war on drugs and have considered leaving the country.

And 100 % of Mexican males are wondering when the next Salma Hayek film is coming out.

Do As I Say not...

Both presidential candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, weighed in over the weekend on the meltdown on Wall Street, and the necessary steps needed to prevent it from happening again.

While they differed on the specifics, they did agree on a several key issues.

Top executives should not be allowed to profit from their misdeeds.

Future severance packages should be severely limited.


Both McCain and Obama get to keep all the campaign contributions from said executives.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

And It All Came Trickling Down

Mapquest has been quite busy over the weekend updating their software to reflect the merging of Wall Street and Pennsylvania Ave.

The past week of financial turmoil has given plenty of people plenty of reasons to let fly with expletives.
Conservative Republicans, however, seem to have resisted the temptation to take His name in vain.

Haven't heard whole lot of Reagan or Reaganomics.

But Is He As Accurate As Cheney

“I guarantee you, Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns. I got two and if he tries to fool with my Berretta, he's got a problem.”

Sarah Palin?

No. It was Joe Biden, speaking before a crowd in coal country Virginia.

There is talk of putting together a new VP search committee.

"I didn't pick Hillary because I was afraid she'd pull out a knife and do a 'Jesse Jackson' on me.
Now I got this crazy white guy threatening to shoot me."

Obama is now tipping his Secret Service detail more than the standard 20 %.

In Defense of Pork

More disturbing news from the Heartland.

First there was the immigrant raid on a meat packing plant in Postville Iowa back in May.

Now an undercover video shot by a PETA member in Greene County Iowa shows incidents of abuse to pigs on a farm that supplies meat to Hormel Foods.
Some of the abuse has even been called sexual abuse.

No word yet on whether any lipstick was involved.

Can't we all just eat Tofu here?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

No Really, I'm Serious

In an attempt to rally her disenfranchised base to come out and vote for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton has begun a new voter outreach program dubbed,

"Hillary Sent Me."

The name of the program was not Hillary's first choice.

She proposed several names that were ultimately nixed by the Party.

They began graciously enough with,

"He may not be the future of the Party but he's all we've got."

then it got a little too wordy,

"I really don't like this anymore than you do, but I have this huge campaign debt, and Barack has promised to... blah blah bah"

to just plain acceptance of reality,

"Oh just hold your nose and do it."

Friday, September 19, 2008

Brother Can You Spare me A Rhyme

Bruce Springsteen got upset when Ronald Reagan used “Born in the U.S.A.” on the campaign trail in 1984.
Tom Petty threatened to sue George W. Bush in 2000 when he used “I Won’t Back Down.”
Earlier this year John Mellencamp had his agent call the McCain campaign to tell them to stop using “Pink Houses” and “Our Country”.

It now appears that the McCain campaign has finally found a song, and from the unlikeliest of sources.

The Dixie Chicks called and offered one of their songs.

"Cold Day in July"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

From Top To Bottom

With all the latest turmoil on Wall street comes calls for new rules and regulations.

Instead of Golden Parachutes, luxury penthouses and East River yacht clubs, new severance packages will be more likely to include a chain, a cinder block and a row boat ride to the middle of the East River.

Questioned on the current crisis, one former CEO said he was really glad to be out of the game. His days are less complicated and his assets are solid.

"I'm getting three squares a day, I've got half a carton of cigarettes and plenty of soap on a rope," said federal inmate and former Enron CEO, Jeffrey Skilling.

When asked if he had any advice for his former peers, Mr. Skilling just smiled and said,
"We'll leave the light on."

The Weight Is Over

After five years Heavy Metal band, Metallica, has released it's "much" anticipated 12th album, "Death Magnetic".

No one is more thrilled than Metallica fan, Mick Cassidy, who in 2006 lost a drunken bet with his wife, Maendi.

Mick was forced to spend the last two years growing a beard, while 65,000 people on the internet monitored the growth. Presumably Metallica fans.

The beard was recently shaved off by Metallica's own James Hetfield.

“It was a relief. The beard made me look like a tomato with hair.”
said Mick, who along with wife Maendi, are now in AA.

The clean and sober Cassidys have added their own "13th step" to the AA program.

All of their Metallica CDs are now listed on eBay.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Much For A Refill?

In the Seattle some coffee shops are really making people rise and shine.

Baristas wearing pasties, spike heels and lingerie at shops called Espresso Gone Wild, Java Girls and Chicka Latte now greet the morning commuter grabbing a cuppa Joe on the way to work.

Mason County Commissioner Tim Sheldon has drawn the line at pasties, but others want even more. They want signs posted warning potential customers.

The shops have eagerly complied and revamped their signage.

Instead of Tall Grande and Venti

They now serve

32B , 34C and 36DD

Don't forget the Sweet Cakes and Sugar Buns.

A Woman's Place is....

Not all Republican women are completely enamored with Sarah Palin.

Even though they may agree with her politics and religious beliefs, many traditional women think that a mother with as many children as Ms. Palin should be spending more time at home with those children.

One voter was quoted as saying,

"I really do like Sarah, but the only way I would vote for her is if she wasn't running."


There are many Democrats who may cross over.
Democrats who are attracted to strong willed and attractive women.

Say... John Edwards for example.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What's In A Name

Fannie and Freddie, Merrill and the Lehman Brothers.
As more and more banking institutions slip under the waves for the third time, it looks as though the last one afloat will be the presciently named Bank of America.

If that's not scary enough, Kenneth D. Lewis, Bank of America’s chairman, was recently observed checking out domain names at GoDaddy.com.

TheWorldBank.org was taken.
Don't know about TheWorldBank.com

And now it's AIG's turn.

They had hoped that the Chinese Government could raise the $85 billion needed.

Their answer from Beijing....
"Who do you think we are? Barack Obama?"

Position Wanted

The US Interior Department's Inspector General has uncovered a culture of corruption and promiscuity at the Minerals and Management Service in Denver.

It seems that they have put a whole new spin on The Mile High Club.

The inspector has assured the public that it is a departmental problem and not a political problem.

"It's merely a coincidence that we share the same slogan."

Drill Baby Drill

Sympathy From The Devil

On Fox news the other day Karl Rove was quoted as saying that John McCain's campaign may have gone "one step too far" in it's ads against Barak Obama.

In other news......

Hell froze over

Bill O'Reilly joined the PBS news team

and Hillary pledged her full support to Barak Obama