Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Here For You

McCain's been having a hard time keeping the Pit Bull on a short leash and Palin's negative campaigning has started causing negative reactions among voters.

His staff has begun suggesting a different campaigning style.
Something much subtler and more subdued.

"We want you to campaign for John just like Hillary campaigns for Barack."

"You know, almost like you're not even there."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It appears that Sarah appeals only to that narrow base of wingnuts that I suspect travel with them from rally to rally, being the rally. Her numbers suggest she is becoming a bigger and bigger drag on the ticket. She probably will never have a clue however, and we'll see here in 2012, thinking she is going to be the new Rethugs. I suspect they might learn a thing or two before then and dump the wacko right from the stationery.